The apertures in this assemblage reference the windows and arcades found in Duccio di Buoninsegna's (d:1319) painted buildings, in his Maesta for Siena Cathedral, Italy. The crystocal plinth is an arena. Stoneware, crystocal, gold lustre.
The soul reflects on itself through form and image. In my work the rectangle is terrestial and the circle is aerial. There is cosmic tension between the two. These forms are embedded in motifs such as a shallow box, a recessed lair, a window, a beaker. Repeating forms and the spaces in between are fixations in time as is the solitary compressing of clay. The window and the beaker's gold interior are inversions of each other, of the soul's inner light. Both are also huts, a core image of inhabiting, of dreaming solitude.
Photographer: Michael Wolchover